Sunday, January 4, 2015

Hair spa at home

For hair spa at home you need

Honey: If you have dry or damaged hair, honey can help,it attracts moisture. It’s also full of antioxidants and nutrients to feed hair follicles that house the live part of hair, encouraging hair growth.


Olive oil: Olive oil can make your hair shiny and soft. Olive oil is loaded with antioxidants, which can keep the skin of your scalp in better shape. It can even reduce the damage done by hair care products or overuse of styling products. Olive oil massages can improve the blood circulation in your scalp. This increased blood flow can stimulate the follicles, which then produce thicker strands.



Coconut milk: Coconut milk is an organic compound that is extremely beneficial for hair growth.Coconut milk has minerals that calm nerves and maintain normal blood pressure.Coconut milk helps to slowing down the hair loss problems.



Vitamin E gel capsules: Vitamin E for hair growth is advantageous because it has an effect on your scalp for a long time. A massage with vitamin E oil for hair increases blood circulation and boosts oxygen supply to the scalp. It is for this reason that it is recommended to massage the hair and scalp with Vitamin E oil, once a week for five months to solve hair loss problems. If intake of vitamin E supplements is accompanied along with massage treatments – the problem of hair loss will be solved much faster and in a more effective manner.



Take a big bowl and add full cup of coconut milk, then add 3tsp of olive oil if your hairs are long and for medium to short length hairs you can take only 2tsp of olive oil.Now add 2tsp of honey and mix it well. Lastly add 3 vitamin e gel capsules by extracting gel from capsules with the help of knife.  

Apply this mixture with the help of hair dye brush. 

Divide hairs in 2 section and apply this mixture on both section.

Start with ends of your hairs and then apply to rest of your hairs and lastly apply this mask on your scalp with the help of your finger tips or cotton and massage for 5 to 6mins. Cover your hair with towel or plastic shower cap and leave it for 30mins.


 Rinse your hair with your shampoo and use your conditioner.



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